
In February we think of matters of the heart. Our hearts yearn to be loved. Jesus said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 KJV) That is exactly what Jesus Christ has done for you and I.

Why was this necessary? Because of the fall of man, causing the sin nature. This is a subject requiring more study and information than is presented in this post, however: Man who is in the middle of a great war, required a Savior. Jesus Christ came and saved us from the eternal damnation intended for Satan and the fallen angels who sided with him (Revelation 12:9 KJV). Man listen to Satan’s deception rather than obeying Father God’s instructions, causing man to fall, the reason for his need of a Savior. The Cross of Christ must never be set aside for Easter only. At the very core, the Blood of Jesus Christ, as the Lamb of God was necessary. He took the punishment in place of us, if we believe and except Him and all that He accomplished at Calvary. The Cross of Christ is the answer for EVERY need we face.

At Christmas we learn of the Wise Men who came to see Him. We should be reminded that “Wise Men still seek Him”. Sometime in Spring we celebrate Easter recalling that the baby Jesus came into this world to become a grown man, God’s Sacrificial Lame, His bloodshed for our sins.

Between these festive holidays we pass through February. While we wait for spring, let us warm our hearts being reminded to be wise men and seek Him. The One who loved us so much that He laid down His life, that ours may live eternally. Yes, Father God has sent you a valentine. Have you opened yours yet?


“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 KJV)

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceived the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9 KJV)